Deep Thoughts


Dear Money…

Thanks to some wonderful friends and connections in my life, I have been repeatedly challenged on my views of and my relationship with money.  I appreciate the work of Kate Northrup along these lines.  Most recently, I was encouraged by Cory Michelle to view my relationship with money as that of w...

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If I was beautiful then… what am I now?

I've stumbled across a couple of old pictures of myself within the last few months that took me by surprise. One was taken about two years ago. One was taken twenty years ago. Both of them caused me to catch my breath; for a split second I hadn't recognized myself, and thought "wow, she's beautiful....

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Shutting Down the Should’s!

You know those times when you feel like you're beating your head against the wall to make something happen?  This thing that you just KNOW should be working for you right now, but doesn't seem to be moving anywhere.  This goal that you've been hell-bent on achieving within a certain time-frame, ye...

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